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Bioplastic Is Not the Solution

Macallan L.

People are always trying to find an eco-friendly alternative to plastic, and it can be made possible with the help of plants. Bioplastic is plastic made from biological substances instead of petroleum. Bioplastic can decompose in about three to six months, while traditional plastic can take centuries to decompose. Bioplastic is usually made from food waste such as unused avocado seeds, sugarcane, algae, potato, cassava, and many other things. All these things seem pretty good, right? The end of plastic pollution has come! However, that is not quite the case. As of right now, bioplastic makes up only one percent of all traditional plastic (“Is bioplastic the ‘better’ plastic?”). There are also bioplastics that are made from other natural things, but these things are nondegradable. Ramesh Padamati, an associate research professor at Trinity College states that biodegradability comes from the chemistry of the materials. In addition, 45 percent of bioplastics are actually not biodegradable (“Is bioplastic the ‘better’ plastic?”). Even though many may think that bioplastic is degradable, it does not immediately turn back into compost. Biodegradable plastic is designed to break down into carbon dioxide and water, but bioplastic is only compostable, which means that it can only degrade in composting facilities, so it will still usually take 3 months for the plastic to decompose. The fact that bioplastic is made from plants means that more pesticides and chemicals are needed to grow the vegetation, and farming vehicles that emit carbon dioxide are also used. Furthermore, bioplastic also releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as it decomposes. Clearly, bioplastic still causes pollution in the process of making it and in decomposition, so it is not the perfect solution. In conclusion, bioplastic is a better alternative to traditional plastic, but people should not replace all plastics with bioplastic since they cause pollution. Instead, simply avoiding plastic use in favor of reusable items is the best solution.


“Is Bioplastic the ‘Better’ Plastic?” YouTube, uploaded by DW Planet A, 5 Feb. 2021, Accessed 28 Nov. 2022.

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